Say Goodbye to Bags Under Your Eyes with Blepharoplasty Surgery in Lutz, FL 

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Guerra today to discover how Blepharoplasty Surgery in Lutz, FL, can boost your confidence and give you a more youthful appearance. 

Improve Your Vision and Appearance With Eyelid Surgery in Lutz 

Are you tired of looking older and more tired than you feel? 

Having bags under your eyes can make you feel self-conscious and appear less alert and youthful. Fortunately, TERSA Oral and Facial Surgery offers Blepharoplasty surgery in Lutz, FL, to help you achieve a refreshed, rejuvenated, and youthful appearance. 


This surgery could eliminate your eye bags and make you look and feel more confident in your own skin. With the help of our experienced and skilled surgeon, say goodbye to tired-looking eyes and hello to a more youthful you! 

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  • Before

  • After

  • What is Blepharoplasty Surgery? 

    Eyelid surgery, or Blepharoplasty, is a procedure that improves the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. It can remove excess skin, muscle, and fat that causes bags under the eyes. 

    The surgery is often performed to remove skin that blocks your vision in the upper eyelids, or for cosmetic surgery reasons in the lower eyelids. It is a precise and delicate procedure that requires an experienced and skilled surgeon. 

    Eliminate bags under the eyes! 

    Blepharoplasty surgery (eyelid surgery) is performed to treat prominent orbital fat, redundant skin and muscle and other esthetic or functional problems around the eyes. The upper eyelid is treated frequently to remove skin excess that partially occludes the visual field. Lower eyelid surgery is performed basically for cosmetic reasons. This surgery helps the patients to look more alert, awake and refreshed; in summary younger. It has a positive impact in the patient’s life which regains confidence and self esteem.  

    As a normal aging process, the skin and muscle around our eyes become loose and baggy which allows the fat compartments located in the upper and lower eyelids to become more prominent and visible (bags). 

    The goal of a blepharoplasty is to eliminate any skin and fat excess, if needed. While considering that the lack of skin and fat around the eyes could give the patient a “hollow” look that will not be beneficial for a good cosmetic and balanced result, Dr. Guerra will perform a consultation to evaluate your entire face, skin type, skin quality, but most importantly, hear what your complaints are. He will then recommend the most appropriate treatment, always based on realistic expectations. The procedure is done in the office under IV sedation and the recovery time is about 5 to 7 days. 

    Patient after upper and lower blepharoplasty, in his upper and lower eyelids is evident the skin excess and laxity. In his lower eyelid, fat protrusion from the three different compartments is appreciated.  

    Why Choose TERSA Oral and Facial Surgery? 

    Experienced, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon 

    When you choose TERSA Oral and Facial Surgery, you can have confidence in the procedure being done by a qualified and experienced surgeon. Dr. Guerra is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has extensive experience performing blepharoplasty surgery. 


    Personalized Treatment Plan 

    Dr. Guerra will take into account your individual needs and desired outcomes when creating your treatment plan. He evaluates your entire face, skin type, and skin quality to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan tailored for you. 

    Minimal Downtime 

    The procedure is done under IV sedation, making it minimally invasive. This, combined with Dr. Guerra's expertise, results in minimal downtime for the patient. The recovery time is generally 5-7 days. So, you can get back to your daily activities quickly. 

    How is Blepharoplasty Surgery Performed? 

    Here is an overview of the eyelid surgery procedure in Lutz, FL:

    • Step 1: Consultation

      The first step in the process of Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift is a consultation with Dr. Guerra. During this consultation, Dr. Guerra will evaluate your eyelids and discuss your concerns and goals for the surgery. He will also explain the options and recommend the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

    • Step 2: Pre-Operative Instructions

      Once you have decided to proceed with the surgery, Dr. Guerra will provide you with detailed pre-operative instructions. These instructions will include information on how to prepare for the surgery, what to expect on the day of the surgery, and how to care for yourself after the surgery.

    • Step 3: Surgery

      An eyelid lift surgery is typically performed in Dr. Guerra's office under IV sedation, which is a form of sedation that allows you to be partially awake or in "twilight sleep" during the procedure, but relaxed and comfortable. The surgery itself usually takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the extent of the procedure.

      During the surgery, Dr. Guerra will make precise incisions in the upper and/or lower eyelids to remove any excess fat and skin. He will also reposition and tighten the underlying muscle and tissue to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

    • Step 4: Recovery

      After the plastic surgery procedure, you will be given detailed instructions on how to care for yourself during the recovery period. You may experience some swelling and bruising, which will typically subside after a few days. You may also be prescribed pain medication or advised to take over-the-counter pain medication to help manage any discomfort.

      The recovery time for blepharoplasty surgery is typically about 5-7 days. During this time, you will need to avoid strenuous activity and keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. Dr. Guerra will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that you are healing properly.

    • Step 5: Results

      The final results of blepharoplasty plastic surgery will become visible after the swelling and bruising have subsided. You will notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your eyelids and overall facial appearance. The results of blepharoplasty surgery are long-lasting, but they may be affected by the natural aging process and changes in your weight.

    Pricing and Consultation 

    Eyelid surgery cost will vary depending on the specific treatment plan recommended by Dr. Guerra. There may be financing available to help make the procedure more affordable. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Guerra today to discuss your options.

    Achieve a More Youthful Appearance With Blepharoplasty Surgery in Lutz, FL 

    Don't let bags under your eyes hold you back from feeling confident and attractive. Take the first step towards a more refreshed and youthful appearance with blepharoplasty surgery in Lutz, FL. Contact Dr. Guerra today to schedule your consultation to find out what an eyelid lift can do for you! 

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